When you don't have time for a single meal during a trip you know that it was short, and also really full.
We took the first flight out Santiago and the last one back for a day trip to Patagonia. Initially I was bummed to have to wake up super early and be on time and meh let me just enjoy my vacation will you, can I please be in the pool....but oh my, what a trip, so glad I made the effort.

Only an hours flight out we reached early in the day and it took mere minutes to get the car and be on our way. Driving through Puerto Varas, and then by the crystal clear mountain lakes that overlook Volcan Osorno - there is nothing quite like that view.
Our plan was to head straight to Osorno but we pulled over by the road to take some photos and of course I got distracted by the llamas and went over to pet them. Turned out, they are owned by this lovely couple who also run a cafe which sells killer cakes and raspberry juice that is essentially heaven on earth. They also has great peach cake!
Fueled by our "light snacks" and the incredible cuteness of the llamas, we headed to Osorno and took the ski life up to the top. I would try to describe the view, but really there is nothing like it. It's like you are looking at the world from the top and its beautiful, untouched by anything at all. We got off at the top and then hiked up further up the volcano from where your view is even more grand. Make sure you have good shoes. I didn't but I never do. :-|
Once done with Osorno, we made our way to Salton del Petrohue. A short walk from the parking are these enormous, mesmerizing waterfalls. I don't want to get too poetic, but honestly it made me think about a young earth. Ambitious, optimistic and completely untouched by any development. It was a very sentimental waterfall for me. So strong and so incredibly beautiful.
Afterwards, we were cutting close to our flight back but we went by Lago todo los Santos to see the fjords. The bluest waters, edged by the beautiful mountains surrounding it.

Peace is palpable here in Patagonia. I can't wait to be back.